Assistant Director's Message

Br. Peter

St. Francis College aims to create a supportive and inclusive environment where our students are encouraged to explore their potential and achieve their personal best in all aspects of College life. Students will be challenged and engaged through authentic learning opportunities that inspire them to develop creativity, confidence and resilience to become independent and ethical life-long learners.

We offer a broad curriculum and a range of opportunities for all our girls to achieve excellence in academic, creative, social, cultural, sporting and community endeavours. We value collaborative learning, positive relationships and building capacity amongst our students to effectively allow them to engage in the world of the future, where problem solving, evaluating, working in teams, communicating, creating and innovating are not only valued concepts, but expected skills, attributes and capabilities.

We value relationships and connections with the community. We encourage our students to develop respectful relationships with their peers, teachers and the broader community. We instil in our students a keen social conscience and the capacity to make ethical decisions. Our students graduate from St. Francis College with the skills, mind sets and qualities that will best equip them for success in the world of the future. We aim to make them future leaders and role models of society.