ISR Club

The (Institutional Social Responsibility Club) ISR club of St. Franci College -Prarambh was inaugurated on 8th August 2019 by the Assistant-Director Bro. Peter and Dean of Academic Affairs Mrs. Sameera Fernandes. The inauguration took place with the planting of a sapling signifying the essence this club.

The event commenced with a prayer song. This was followed by a video presentation demonstrating the relevance of Corporate/Institutional Social responsibility, the definition of the objectives of the club and introduction of the office bearers. Rev. Bro. Peter and Mrs. Sameera Fernandes both addressed the gathering and shared their valuable insights. The event concluded with a talk about the initiatives that would be undertaken by Prarambh.

The objectives of the Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) club Prarambh are

  • To implement welfare programmes for the benefit of the student community, the staff and the society.
  • To optimise the utilization of the college resources by reducing the wastage and facilitating recycling.
  • To enhance Campus life by promoting a healthy, pollution free environment.
  • To make the students aware about their responsibility in the college and in the society at large.
  • To educate the students about their role and contribution towards conservation of scare resources.
  • To conduct social outreach programmes for the uplift of villages, women and the deprived.