IT Clubs

Inauguration of the IT Club : ImpeTus

The IT-club, ImpeTus was inaugurated on 6th August 2019 by the Director Rev. Brother Sayimon, Assistant- Director Rev. Bother Peter and Dean of Academic Affairs , Mrs. Sameera Fernandes. The objective of ImpeTus is to equip the students with technical knowledge and skills and thus give then an ‘added advantage’ in the field of IT.

The club which comprises of the students of the Department of BCA and BSC (Computer Science) plans to organize the technical events including IT Quiz, technical workshops, Coding Contests, Debugging Contests, Web site development, Interface design, Paper Presentations, Technical Dumb Charades, Guest Lectures , Treasure Hunt (Technical) to enhance the skill set of the students.

The Organizing Committee of ImpeTus includes: 1) Manikanta as CIO - 2) Mohammed Fareed as Technical Architect 3) Sairam as Event Co-ordinator and 4)Sunil as the Inventory Controllerl.

The club initiated its activities with the IT Quiz event.