Women's Cell

The Women Cell is constituted for Empowering Women community of St. Francis College.

The Women Cell is inaugurated on 10th August 2019 by Rev. Brother Sayimon. The other dignitaries included Br. Peter – Asst. Director, Ms. Sameera Fernandes – Dean. The emcee of the inauguration programme was Steven of 1st semester BBA and Aswathi Francis of 1st semester BCA. Ms. Sabitha S– Faculty Co-ordinator of Women Cell briefed regarding the objectives of the cell and the action plan of the year 2019-20. Pooja Nair of I sem BBA gave a talk on Women Empowerment and followed by showcased a video on the Women Empowerment. The Women Cell Representatives were facilitated by Rev. Bro. Sayimon, Br. Peter and Ms. Sameera Fernandes and followed by student representatives had taken an oath.

To promote self-confidence in Women, to guide about Women Welfare Laws, to assert the importance of spiritual, economic, social, racial and gender equality, to highlight the importance of health and hygiene and more are some of the initiatives the Women’s Cell is committed towards.

Through this cell we would like to conduct the activities during the academic year 2019-20 such as Women specific Health Campaigns, Educating the women about laws relating to women welfare and protection, Screening Documentaries related to women empowerment and more.

SFC has a Women's Club to build sensitivity to women's issues. The Club conducts programme for female students and for women in the neighbourhood on themes such as women's rights, discrimination and empowerment. It also deals with women's grievances, promotes Gender equality and respect for women, empowerment of women and promotes women entrepreneurships. The Women's Club, at its own level organizes special workshops for girl students on health and other women related issues. The annual International Women's Day Celebrations are organized by the Club.